Peer Support Online

Clic is a safe online community to support everyone with their mental health. Share your thoughts and experiences and get mutual support from others who understand.

Clic is for everyone over the age of 18 who needs it. It is open 24/7 and has already helped thousands of people feel less isolated, whilst signposting them to mental health information and local support. Clic provides a platform for mutual support so that everyone can chat and connect peer-to-peer online and thrive.

Whether you’re looking for information about mental health, support to manage your symptoms, or contact information for local services, you can find useful links and resources once logged into Clic. You can also access a mood tracker – helping you to identify, understand and manage your moods.

Some of the features on Clic include: 

    • Clic chat and forums
    • Tips and information
    • Moderation
    • Supportive community


Click here to visit Clic